Monday, February 25, 2013

Volunteering at Haydom

The information below comes from the Official Haydom Lutheran Hospital website (

Volunteers & Students 
Every year there are many people visiting or working at Haydom Lutheran Hospital. The most common visitors are doctors and dentists, nurses and midwives, medical and nursing students, volunteers, research applicants, casual visitors and hospital friends.

All visitors are very much appreciated as they make a welcomed addition to our staff and surroundings. If you wish to visit Haydom, please send a request to expats(a) Write your request in English to help our staff. Tell us who you are, how many you are, when you wish to come, how long you are planning to stay and what the purpose of your visit is.

Please send the request some time in advance so that we can make the proper arrangements for your stay at Haydom Lutheran Hospital. Haydom normally splits its visitors into the following categories:

Doctors or Dentists
Someone with a medical or dental degree, possibly with postgraduate specialist training You are registered as a doctor, dentist or medical practitioner in the country where you now are working You want to work in the clinical area as a doctor or dentist while at Haydom Volunteer doctors and dentists have played an important part in the service provided by HLH. We appreciate your intention to do the same and look forward to communicating with you about your plans. To work as a doctor/dentist at Haydom you need to do the registrations and provide the required documents informed about on the “Information for doctors and dentists”-site.

Nurses and Midwives
Someone with a registered nursing diploma or degree, possibly with postgraduate specialist training You are registered as a nurse or midwife in the country where you are now working You want to work in the clinical area as a nurse or midwife while at Haydom Volunteer nurses and midwives have given important service in teaching and in the clinical area at Haydom. They are great resources both in practical teaching or lectures for the local nurses/midwives, and also by giving lectures for the nursing students at the school. We appreciate your interest in similar service and look forward to communicate with you about your plans. To work as a nurse/midwife at Haydom you need to do the registrations and provide the required documents informed about on the “Information for nurses and midwives”-site.

You are a student at a recognized University or University Collage and you are looking for internship or elective, or you want to do descriptive research as required by your School with an attachment at Haydom for gathering of information. HLH has an on-going program accepting medical and nursing students for attachments of these types. Students from other professions are also welcomed to apply for a visit to Haydom. For more information and for the required documents needed to stay at Haydom, see the “Information for student”-site.

Someone who would like to work at the hospital, but don’t have a medical background. Professionals in the field of Finance, IT and Human Resources can be a great addition to the hospital, but other workers are also welcome. You don’t need to be a real professional to support Haydom with the important work. There are volunteers who are joining the outreach program, work at the Child Care Unit (CCU) or they are organizing sport activities for the local community. You can always find meaningful activities and assignments to work with. Read “Information for other volunteers” for more information about required documents.

Casual Visitor
You are someone who wishes to visit the hospital for a short time for some reason You are not a personal visitor of any staff member You do not intend to work or study at the hospital.

Hospital Friend
You are a personal visitor of a staff member at the hospital You do not intend to work or study at the hospital.

Before you make any plans to take leave from your work and family, book flights and turn up at Haydom, please read the pages on our web site and to the necessary preparations. A lot of you questions will be answered here. If you have more questions after this, please do not hesitate to contact us. See the “Contact”-site for contact details.


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